Report a repair

Please use the below form to report any issues which are found at the property. Please see our repairs policy to check whether the repair is classed as a tenant responsibility before lodging the repair, any repairs that are lodged and found to be a tenants responsibility will not be dealt with and will fall within your responsibilities to deal with as a tenant. 


For all landlord repairs, these will be dealt with by a member of our team accordingly and we will instruct a contractor to contact you in due course. 


If you deem the repair to be of urgent nature please call the office on 01773 831111 option 1 immediately. 

Please detail the repair required

* required fields

Please upload a couple of images of the issue that is being reported.

Total sizes of images needs to be under 10MB. If you submit and the thank you page isnt displayed please re-upload at smaller size.

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